I am a Domestic Goddess

I am a domestic goddess

Housework is easy peezi lemon squeezie

Housework is easy peezi lemon squeezie

I have had a fall out with the guy I was working with, he is an Ace person, and funnily enough the word ace translated into Italian, is asso (which believe it or not Ripley) is pronounced asshole.

So at the moment Mrs Sensible goes to work at two different schools to teach her little chilblains how to tie their shoelaces and generally educate them; so that they do not grow up to be the next Mussolini of heavens forbid another Burlusconi.

Mr Berlusconi

One Berlusconi is quite enough thank you.

I on the other hand am learning how to make the bed using nurses corners, mop the floor, cook the evening meal (I have bought several packets of indigestion tablets) and be a good housewife house-husband.

I have drawn the line at waiting at home ready in a negligee to greet my hard working wife.

I am not doing the stockings or the negligee

I am not doing the stockings or the negligee

and until the diet kicks in, I am not doing the Chippendales either.

If I upload a pic of Dita van whatever her name is I thought it only fair to upload the chippendales

If I upload a pic of Dita van whatever her name is, I thought it only fair to upload the chippendales


In-between sending out my C.V, dreaming up get rich quick schemes and polishing the bookcase I have produced tonight’s evening meal,

I didn't burn it

I didn’t burn it

I have put a bun in the oven 


A bun in the oven (a colloquial saying)

A bun in the oven, tsk!! really all I have done is put a loaf of bread in the oven

Changed the bed and tucked it in with nurses corners.


Oh Matron!!  she knows how to tuck in your corners

Oh Matron!! she knows how to tuck in your corners

And it is not even 1.00’ clock, so I can now sit down with a glass of wine, put my feet up and watch daytime TV.

Only day time TV in Italy is appalling.

65 thoughts on “I am a Domestic Goddess

    • Oh, they are soooo bad in Italy, really bad. I can’t even watch English daytime T.V using the internet, living in the countryside my internet connection is almost as good as dial up..

      But I have a cunning plan, so hopefully I wont be a house husband for too long


  1. You are so much better than me! But then with the bed we have here it’s impossible to nurse the corners. The mattress is recessed and I just tuck as well as possible. it works well enough. With the munchkin, I barely cook, and it is fine, the muz wants Serbian food. I only cook American, Indian, Thai, and Mexican. After a long day at school, I am sure the Mrs. is pleased to come home to a good meal and a tidy home. 🙂 I don’t think your are such a black sheep after all! I won’t tell anyone though. Image is everything. Good luck with your endeavors!


  2. Sounds like you are very efficient in your duties…and wow, I’m impressed that you have even made the evening’s meal! (that was something I didn’t even think about until around 5 pm!) I miss those days of being a housewife….even though I was also running after two little darlings!!! Sometimes as I’m running out the door in the morning and I see little projects I would love to work on, I get that nostalgic feeling of “I remember when I had time…” Enjoy these days and good luck with your plans!!! If you figure out how to get rich quick, please pass it on!!! And the next time the Chippendales’s strike a pose, they need to make room for one more 😉


  3. I am impressed. Hope that things come out in the wash (put your colleague in the machine at high spin and see what happens?) That dinner looks scrummy. I now feel guilty that I have just taught one hour of English, hoovered, washed and put the laundry out, and will not be doing a Dita Van Teese impression from when he gets home (apart from the fact that I have sinusitis and feel about as sexy as a doorpost, it may make my kids throw up the dinner I haven’t cooked yet). When you’re ready, let me know and I’ll send you three kids for the next stage in your training 🙂


  4. You are doomed PN, DOOOOOMED !! Doomed to coffee mornings, tea with the Padre, polishing the brasses in the local church, joining the WI International, SHOPPING …..eek. I can’t watch you suffer !! I need to lie down after reading this post 😀


  5. The devil makes work for idle hands. You may even get around to fixing the vacuum-with-a-mind-of-its-own… I believe its name is Vileda? Funny how autonomous vacuums don’t require a driving licence, yet have more collisions than the average Italian car driver. 😀


  6. Love the Berlusconi pic. He looks all: “Come to Papa” while Michelle stands there with her arm out thinking, “Are you freaking kidding me?!” and Obama looks on, a touch disgusted..


    • I don’t think Berlusconi cared what anyone thought. He was having fun, jetting around the world playing the jester; the problem was he was also supposed to be running the country. Which is one of the reasons Italy is in such a mess.


  7. you have a cunning plan??? where have I heard THAT before…. and I know how those “cunning plans” really end up. Good on Mrs Sensible for keeping you grounded (in more ways than one..)
    by the way is the top picture MM? she’s got a new Gravatar have you noticed? and what’s that you’ve burned (oooops, sorry, I mean cooked)? that roast chicken looks like macaroni cheese from a packet.


  8. Oh this one is good. So now you can cook like a chef, clean like an English maid, make beds like a REAL nurse. To be the finished product you will need to be clean shaven, with teeth brushed, hair combed and oh yes, freshly showered for a full presentation of being the dutiful house husband. :-


  9. The Ultimate Appalling TV Show in Italy: Jersey Shore (or the Jordy Shore for you English folk) dubbed in Italian!

    Needless to say, I tend to stick to streaming my favorite TV shows on my PC which may, or may not be, a more corrupt thing to do then watching Italian daytime TV.


        • Just a little sugar.
          We bought some oats from the coop last week, added milk and nuked for 3 mins….. they sat in the bottom of the milk looking sad. Nuked for a further 10 mins, they looked the same. Full power nuke for 12 mins.

          Mrs Sensible ate them, I declined. It took a while to scrape them off the inside of the microwave 😦

          Maybe the stuff we bought was for horses not porridge .


  10. The meal you cooked looks very yummy! Daytime tv is not good… I am intrigued to know what your cunning plan is! I’m on catch up duty as my blogging time has been a bit rubbish lately! Looking forward to getting up to speed on the latest in PN and Mrs Sensible’s world! 🙂


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