2020 and the Tinder experiment.

I blog when I am in a happy mood or when something crazy happens to me. I haven’t written anything for a while, because life has been 2020.

Today I was drinking coffee with the Frenchwoman, ah! You don’t know about her do you! Well I am renting an apartment from her, the apartment comes with an outdoor swimming pool and the use of the indoor swimming pool. Anyway, the Frenchwoman and I were discussing life and the problem of me being young, old, free and single again. Yes unfortunately Mrs Sensible and I took the decision to go our separate ways. As I said, a 2020 year.

The Frenchwoman brought up the subject of Tinder. Allegedly Tinder is an app that connects you with beautiful people who live close by and who would like to meet up for a coffee. What can go wrong I ask you?

A quick search on the old tinternet, produced the following photo, I was pleasantly surprised.

I was impressed and suddenly interested

Ten minutes later, I was on-line and my photo was on Tinder. I ignored the Frenchwoman’s offer of help, something about, let me take your photo, you need to do this right. Ha! let the fun begin…

I think I need to write a strong worded letter of complaint to Tinder because the first ‘match’ was rather disappointing. I know I am no longer a spring chicken, but I think Tinder is having a laugh.

Let me introduce you to Maria Conzano.

Maria enjoys eating and gardening.

I will be honest, things did not improve, after steadying my nerves with a glass of wine I tried to remove the image from my phone by swiping right, this I have learnt has sent a message to Maria that I like her, I am not sure what happens when she gets a like, perhaps someone can enlighten me. I now know I should have swiped left. Maybe I should have waited for the Frenchwoman to help me.

I was not the only person out there who needed some help with Tinder, Giuseppina’s daughter was also helping her mother, in fact, she decided to get in on the act. Here is their profile picture. I am pretty sure they own the old farm house further down our road.

Here is my mum, there is still some love and life in her.

I remembered to swipe left this time. I haven’t told the Frenchwoman about ‘how it is going’. I think the problem might be Tinder searches people close by and I live in a very small Italian village. Living here are twelve men, eleven women, a donkey and one black sheep. When there is a birth in the village, the papers describe it as a population explosion.

Speaking of the donkey.

Even the donkey has a Tinder profile. So as we count down to the end of the disastrous 2020, I can only hope 2021 brings some happiness and love into everyones life, especially into this poor black sheep. So I will wish you a merry Christmas.

My Christmas Tree

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you.