Finally a picture of Pecora Nera ☺

Mrs Sensible and I are a little shy, we haven’t posted any pictures of ourselves, well apart from that nude selfie that caused a little bit of a stir a year or two ago. The link can be found here for those perverts that missed it. It has taken over a year for Mrs Sensible to forgive me for posting our nude selfie.

On Tuesday afternoons, I visit a local primary school and spend a couple of hours with some fabulous chilblains children, helping them with their English. My motivation for helping at the school is completely selfish, I go because I get paid in smiles, little letters and drawings.

So for you entertainment here are a couple of pictures drawn by the children.

Aren't I a handsome fellow

Aren’t I a handsome fellow

As you can see there is not an inch of fat on my muscular body, the artist even managed to capture my designed stubble.

Black and white

Black and white

This artist is trying to minimalist the drawing to capture my radiant smile.


His name is Pecora Nera, he has got short brown hair and maybe he over did it with the diet.

As you can see, I smile a lot. I am also tall, slim and incredibly handsome. That diet paid off

This girl is very clever

This little girl was given A+++ for her accurate description.

What more can I add? I am tall, thin and very very beautiful.

Here is the teacher

Here is Anna the teacher

Here is a picture of Anna who is their teacher, this picture was obviously drawn at 9.00 am on a Monday morning, just look how calm and in control she is.

Anna On Friday

Anna On Friday

This picture was drawn at 4.30 on a Friday afternoon, can you see the way the artist has captured her slightly manic grin. If you look closely, you can see under the grin the artist had drawn a un-smiley face and then thought it was safer to give Anna a smiley face.

No children were hurt in the making of this post.

44 thoughts on “Finally a picture of Pecora Nera ☺

  1. A gold tie? You have a GOLD TIE? Wow. That must be heavy. Given the smile on those pictures, you were a real blast for the kiddos. Do you really have 10980’s epaulettes on your jacket? So Spandau Ballet, sigh. Mrs Sensible is absolutely gorgeous and has obviously trained her hairdryer to perfection.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. i love your pictures and love your reward for being in the classroom. there is nothing better. when i first began teaching, i was in an inner city school and the population was entirely african-american. when they drew me, i somehow became african-american too, and i loved it because it made me feel like they accepted me, and saw me as one of them, not so different. ps – i love the snappy outfits.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kids draw the best things! You might have just planned the activity for my next 4-6 year-old class. Also, if we get a particularly good drawing, can we use that in our driver’s licenses and such? Anything has to be better than what they take at the DMV.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Well, blow me down, you really are very very beautiful, apparently! And so slim! The chilblains must look forward to Tuesdays with the madman, also.

    The last drawing of the teacher with the edited smile is a cracker.

    Are you going to make us dig through the archives to find Mrs S., or will you at least give us a month and year to save valuable prosecco sipping time?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Very very beautiful. .. The hunt for the pic of Mrs Sensible might be a clever ploy to get you to re read my old posts. As you know I am a stataholic and every view counts. It is Tuesday today and I am on my way to see my chilblains

      Liked by 1 person

  5. You know PN I was a high school art teacher for 31 years. . .my alma mater has their Italian abroad program in beautifully quaint Cortona in Tuscany – – -great place for a delicious tomato flan if you’re ever in the mood—so I must say that the kids have a wonderful eye, right down to your pointy shoes 🙂 molto buona


  6. I love the way one child drew you with round glasses and the others with square ones. Do you have two pairs or was one child telling you in his/her own way that the square ones should be round? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • oops too many gots, They are learning very basic English, to pass the test in May they have GOT (LOL) to be able to describe different things ie their house, people, family etc. The school teaches, ‘he has got a gold tie and he has got brown eyes’. I am supposed to help them to learn how to pronounce the words properly. I try to increase their vocabulary but I have to be careful not to contradict the way the school teaches English or it causes confusion.

      Italy may have many faults, but it is teaching English from an early age and for many subjects, English is included..


      • I do get what you’re saying. If I were plonked in your place, I probably wouldn’t interfere with the status quo either. It’s just that your post triggered memories of all the useless crap I was taught and then had to unlearn…


  7. Did you have them do this exercise for learning or because you wanted to really see how the children see you! LOL! You know, children are honest 🙂 But it looks like you made a very good impression on them!! You must be one of those cool teachers 🙂


    • The little chilblains were practicing colours and items of clothing. I described my clothes to them and they had to draw a picture and describe me.

      They are fab children and I try to make my part of the lesson fun.


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