How much is that pussy in the window,♫♪♫ I do hope that pussys for sale♫♪♫

Scabby Scooby Doo, the Machiavellian pussy cat that has taken residency in my garage has been found alive, hungry and well. This is good news for Mrs Sensible, me  and all cat lovers of the world.

Scooby Doo

Scooby Doo

Scobby Doo the sweet,  loveablehandsome, scabby white cat who has been missing since Friday morning, has been found in Luigina’s upstairs bedroom. Yesterday as we were walking towards Luigina’s house, Mrs Sensible said “did you hear that” No, what was it? “Shhh!” she demanded “I just heard Scooby Doo meowing” Without another word Mrs Sensible warbled SCOOOOOBBBBYYYYY DOOOOOOOOOOO WHERE ARE YOOOUUUUUU?

Honest I am not kidding, she really shouted it. We then  heard a faint Meow, and Mrs S pointed at Luigina’s upstairs window and said look he is there. While Mrs Sensible went running down to Luigina’s vegetable patch (Luigina spends her life down there digging holes) I went running in search of my camera to catch the wonderful rescue for posterity.


Peek a Boo

It seems that Scooby Doo had given up trying to enter my house and decided to enter Luigina’s house and in the fine tradition of Goldilocks And The Three Little Bears, he had fallen asleep in one of the bedrooms. Luigina had then closed the bedroom door and locked the cat in. At sometime over the past 5 days, Scooby Doo  tried to escape from the room by breaking the window, he then climbed through the hole in the glass and found himself stuck between the window pane and the shutter. Don’t ask me how a cat can break a pane of glass, I really don’t know.

I have to add here, that Luagina was very ill during the winter and is sleeping in one of the downstairs rooms, she is also a little deaf so she didn’t hear Scooby smashing the window or meowing to be let out.

Gilda fat dog to the rescue

Gilda fat dog to the rescue

While I was taunting photographing the cat from outside, Mrs Sensible, Luigina and Gilda the incredibly fat but short-legged dog all ran upstairs to rescue Scooby Doo. Mrs Sensible said “Scooby had behaved himself whilst he was incarcerated in Luigina’s house” She said “Apart from breaking the window and peeing in the corner of the room, he hasn’t left any little or big parcels for Luagina to clean up.”

The first steps of freedom for Scooby Doo

The first steps of freedom for Scooby Doo

Despite being locked up for 5 days without food or water, Scooby Doo was reluctant to leave the house, I could hear Mrs Sensible ordering the cat to “go, out, out,  scat cat” I took the photo on speed mode and it is still a little blurred, so you can imagine how fast he finally exited the house.

Fish Pond

Thirsty Cat

After leaving the house, Scooby ran over to my little home-made fish pond (If you want one of these little ponds for your garden please send me your orders. The first order will be supplied with 5 fish and a white cat) and drank 2 liters of water. He then celebrated his release from captivity with a little victory roll.

Freedom Roll

Freedom Roll

At the moment Scooby Doo won’t leave us alone. He is permanently stuck to either my left ankle of Mrs Sensible’s right ankle. Four times we have had to remove him from the car, when we needed to go out.

Fresh Salmon and tinned cat food

First meal for our little prisoner, fresh salmon and tinned cat food

So alls well that ends well.

PS. This cat is still free to a good home or even a bad home. Although Mrs Sensible says he is staying.

81 thoughts on “How much is that pussy in the window,♫♪♫ I do hope that pussys for sale♫♪♫

    • Mrs Sensible was worried, she thought he had gone to meet his maker. The best quote of the day goes to Luigina, she said “He will be alright, he is probably living with someone else” Little did she know how right she was, Scooby Doo had been living with her!!!!!


      • Cookie already has 2, much to the chagrin of mr cookie who would be most happy with 0—alas, Scooby Doo is your “rescue” pet—and you mr pecora nera may be redeeming yourself with this good deed of rescuing a poor helpless victim of neglect, that you are now nearing peocra bianco status!!


        • I think the problem is, it is difficult living with another black sheep, even if it is only a scabby white cat that lives in the garage.

          One black sheep is enough. I will ask Mrs Sensible who was first into the bedroom to rescue Scooby, with any luck it was Gilda. He can have the ownership of the cat. It would solve lots of problems.


    • He hasn’t got a cat in hell’s chance of living in the house (sorry for the pun) Mrs Sensible keeps threatening to give him a bath so that he is clean and can come in the house. It might be worth it just to watch, photo and blog about the washing procedure.

      I have no idea how he broke the window, I know the glass was very old, her house dates from the 1800’s; after 4 days Scooby must have just thrown himself at the window and then jumped through the hole. The stupid cat was then stuck between the wooden shutters and the rest of the glass.

      Next time I de-flea him, I will search him for a glass cutter or little hammer.


      • I suspect that Scooby dresses in lycra leggings with his knoickers over the top at night. Super Cat.
        Washing a cat is a highly dangerous activity – it ranks at the same level as sharing a knife and fork with Hannibal Lector. If you take photos you may well bear the wrath of a lacerated and soaking wet wife.
        You de-flea him? Try those squeezy one dose doo-dahs they sell at the chemists. You just squeeze the stuff at the nape of Scooby’s neck once every couple of months, and hey presto, flea-free zone.


        • Thanks, we bought a pack of those squeezy doo dahs flee killers. The cat now has a black spot on his neck were he went and rolled in the mud to get rid of the liquid 😦 Stupid cat!!

          I might encourage Mrs Sensible to wash the cat, I could probably sell tickets to the event.


    • Thank you. I decided not to get involved in the rescue attempt, it was more fun taking the pictures. Sometimes it is NOT good that Mrs Sensible has good hearing. I find myself in all sorts of trouble when she has heard me muttering to myself.


  1. Wow, what a happy ending. Just imagine that poor cat, breaking a window!!! He’s a legend. (I lit a candle for him in a nice church in Venice.)

    Now, about your alleged cat allergies. What form do they take, and can’t Mrs Sensible and the pharmacist drug you in some way???


    • Oh yeah, I am ecstatically happy, I was so overcome with emotion I needed to sit down and open a bottle of wine. Pesky Cat.

      I think on day 4 he must have thrown himself at the window. I am sure he must have heard us calling him during the past week (Mrs Sensible shouted at the top of her voice and I kind of muttered here kitty kitty kitty under my breath) . Luigina only goes into her upstairs rooms on really sunny days to open the windows. On Friday the weather was fab and that is when he entered the room. In the evening she shut the window, shutters and door she never saw the cat….


    • This is what I am afraid of. When I am trying to carry a huge bucket of wood for the fire, the cat weaves in and out of my legs. Like one of those little performing dogs you see at a circus. One of these days I will trip over him and break a leg.


  2. I nearly had a panic attack reading this post about Scooby’s grand adventure of being stuck :O without food :O for 5 days :O . On a side note, you could earn big bucks being an action photographer!


  3. Great ending. You have your scabby cat home, wish my story ended like that. But even if Cloro did turn up… salmon? Salmon be buggered, he’d get a handful of frozen mince, and less ceremony. But I’d be overjoyed to see him.



    • Cloro might still turn up, there is a comment from someone who’s cat turned up weeks and weeks later.

      Will you get another cat? I think Scooby would like your lifestyle and the warm weather. But he won’t be impressed with frozen mince


  4. I feel very happy, that you found the beautiful Scooby alive. He will stay forever with you, you just need to accept that fact. You saved his life.
    Please create a safe place for him in your new house, those dogs don’t use to be cat-friendly, but maybe, we can hope. He has his problems about hiding, know that from my own white cats.


  5. ANNOUNCEMENT. Lost form sight: PN, Englishman last seen in bloggoland with wife, tin of salmon and scabby white cat. Will come running immediately on hearing cork being removed from wine bottle, chinking of wine glasses and rustle of Walker’s crisp packets. Please inform MM of any sightings – she misses his posts. Thank you.


    • Hi MM, Thanks for the nudge, it has been a little manic around here. I have joined forces with an Italian and we have started a small business together… I just love Italian bureaucracy, no wonder the young don’t try to open a business in Italy. I also have low energy levels, because Mrs Sensible has hidden my stash of wine, and I write better with a glass of wine in my mitts. (she means business with the diet.)

      I will upload a post over the weekend, I promise.. and thanks again for the nudge.


  6. MWM(Meandering with Misha) also misses the posts!
    But maybe they are caught up in packing and moving and/or negotiating the price with the neighbor for that scabby white cat.


    • We are trying to negotiate for someone else to look after the scabby white cat, I dread the thoughts of it meowing outside my bedroom window at 6.00 am…. Normal service will be resumed over the weekend and thanks for the nice comment


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