It is Monday morning and I really need a bacon butty.

Red Cross Parcel

Red Cross Parcel

It is Monday morning in Italy, it is raining, I am sat in my office sulking and I need a bacon butty (bacon sandwich).

Don’t tell Mrs Sensible, but from time to time I do miss bits of England, bits like crisps, real beer or a bacon butty.

During the summer two of my children came to visit me, “Dad, do you need anything bringing” they asked. The above photo shows the goodies they managed to fit in their suitcase. I think the only clothes Lucy managed to fit in her suitcase, were a pair of jeans and a bikini. We spent the rest of the holiday buying her summer dresses. On hindsight it might have been cheaper, to have air freighted my emergency provisions over and let Lucy fill her case with her own clothes.

Back to rainy Monday and life in my office, I have 25 industrial water pumps in Taiwan that should be sat in my stores, money sat in my customers banks that should be sat in my bank and I really, really need a bacon butty.

I really need a bacon butty

I really need a bacon butty

If I was still sat in my old office in England, it would still be Monday morning, it would still be raining and I would be dreaming of life in Italy. But, and it is only a small but. The sarni shop (sandwich shop) down the hill made fantastic bacon buttys.

I could order a pizza from the local pizzeria, if someone was here to phone them for me, last time I tried it was a total disaster. I never realised how difficult it was to mime down a phone line.

Io bisogno una pizza (I need a pizza)

Cosa? (What)

Mi scusi, Io bisogno una pizza Diavola,  mio indirizzo è strada industriale… (Sorry, I need a Diavola pizza, my address is industrial road…)

Cosa, non capisco?

ARGGGHH! IO SONO INGLESE, IO FAME; IO BISOGNO UNA PIZZA, PLEASE. ( I am English, I am hungry, I need a pizza Please)

CLICK Brrrrrrrr

As I stared at the phone that was still brrrrr ing in my ear, Manzo the nice delivery man from Bartolini, arrived with a parcel. He understood that I was hungry and he phoned the pizzaria on my behalf.

Pizza Diavola

This is a Pizza Diavola. Purchased during the summer from a local pizzeria.

The pizza, complete with a bottle of beer arrived. It was very nice, but I really wanted a bacon butty.


I have just bust my glasses.

Just bust my glasses

As if the day was not bad enough, I have just bust my glasses.

60 thoughts on “It is Monday morning and I really need a bacon butty.

  1. So a bacon butty is a bacon sandwich, from what I gather from the photo?
    Why not just call it a bacon sandwich? And what does butty mean? Please excuse this Canadian for having no idea…


    • A Bacon Butty (Bacon Sandwich) is not the same without HP brown sauce.
      I have updated the post and added “(Bacon Sandwich)”
      I forgot people actually read these posts, it still surprises me 🙂


  2. I was proud when I brought in reece’s pieces and several jars of peanut butter. Clearly have nothing on that first photo — my god!!


    • There are even 2 family bags of Walkers Crisps.

      We have quite a few friends come to stay from the UK. Entry fee to the house is always a jar of Piccalilli, or a bottle of HP Brown Sauce.


  3. I love bacon sandwiches (in my part of Scotland that’s what we called them 😉 ) or a bacon roll. No accompaniments are required – HP sauce or tomato ketchup just detract from the taste of the bacon as far I’m concerned – just butter. 🙂 I’m off to look in the fridge now, in the hope that I have a packet of bacon…


  4. I’m from the potteries originally and living in Italy too. I understand the need for a bacon butty too, or as I’m a Stokie an oatcake with bacon. Our local Eurospin sells thin streaky pre-packed bacon that the Americans here like, but I need good thick cut middle bacon. Like you I have to have in my UK goodies cupboard HP sauce, Piccalilli and Yorkshire tea.


  5. I agree that it probably would have been cheaper for you not to have kitted your daughter out with summer dresses! It’s a bacon sarnie/sandwich or bacon roll in my house 🙂 My boys have tomato sauce, I have either brown sauce or just lots of cracked black pepper! Yum! By the way, just how many rashers of bacon are in that sarnie/sandwich? Looks like a whole pack! 🙂


  6. Thank you, PN. No really, thank you soooooo much for that huge dose of cold turkey and that lovely photo of not only a bacon butty (you forgot the ketchup), but a six pack of my favouritest crispies in the whole wide world. MM is now desperately pining for a pint or three of Bishop’s Finger, six bags of crisps and a game of pool at the pub followed by a pile of barm cakes and bacon butties with my little sis. Sniff 😦 By the way, any news on the driving licence saga? Resounding silence here in France…..


  7. you should use a pizzeria which offers Skype video service…. so you can mime to the camera (imagine that?… “hey Giovanni, that crazy Englishman on skype again”… as for bacon butty? baaaaahhh british food, you can’t beat a good pizza anytime!


  8. Love your Red Cross parcel. I see it has two of the essentials, Lea & Perrins and Marmite. I can get L&P here, but very expensive. Peanut butter would be a goer for me.

    Fancy people not understanding bacon butty… The world is really falling to wrack and ruin.



  9. Hi, I am not sure how you feel about awards, but I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award, you can check it out on my blog, would love if you would acccept. Joan


  10. So, first I’m wondering what sort of rock I live under (an American one) that I had no idea that it was kosher (in not at all the real sense of that word) to eat a bacon sandwich. Without the lettuce and tomato!
    How cool is that.
    I need one.
    Then I read comments and see that apparently french fry sandwiches are a thing even if it takes my brain a second to register the whole chip/ F.F. thing.
    Now I think I need one of those too.
    AND then. And then, my world is totally shaken when I find you live in a country with no bacon.
    I’m sorry.
    I think I may need a glass of bourbon to wrap my mind around it all. Or maybe… bourbon bacon on a sandwich… we can do that right?


    • Welcome to the madness of Italy and my little blog. The English tend to stay clear of non fattening food such as lettuce or tomatoes. The local sandwich shop in Sheffield UK used to sell a sandwich called BEST, It stood for Bacon, egg, sausage and (fried) tomato all on the same sandwich. Very hungry people could add mushrooms and or black pudding for an extra 50p

      Chip butties are also wonderful. I was taught a wonderful way of eating a chip butty.
      First visit the local bakery with a friend and buy a small un-sliced loaf. Ask the shop to cut the loaf in half. Give half the loaf to your friend. On the way to the chip shop, using your fingers, hollow out the soft white bread and eat it leaving the crust intact . This should take the same amount of time as it takes to walk to the chip shop. Buy some chips and insert them into your half of the hollowed out loaf. Squash and eat.

      Bourbon bacon sandwich sounds great. I find alcohol goes well with everything…. except of course driving.


  11. I do know the craving feeling for something from home. I have that with Old Dutch cheese.
    Luckily the Queens day party hosted by the Dutch ambassador in Riga had provided a big wheel of “Old Amsterdam” cheese. But the craving will always be there.


  12. I am American (but of half-English descent from around 350 yrs ago) and love bacon sandwiches. Now I know why, it must be a recessive gene. Thank you for the morning chuckle. And thanks for following my stories at 1950 Suburban Adventures.


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