21 thoughts on “International Problem Solving Techniques

  1. So funny… I’m trying to think of what Canadian “problem solving” would look like…
    This reminds me of a t-shirt we saw for sale at a gelato bar in lake como: “Heaven is where the police are British, the lovers French, the mechanics German, the chefs Italian, and it is all organized by the Swiss.
    Hell is where the police are German, the lovers Swiss, the mechanics French, the chefs British, and it is all organized by the Italians.”
    I’m hoping that humour can help us move beyond the stereotypes…

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I feel badly that the US solution is a gun—I was thinking more along the lines of our creating panels of discussion and oversight committees and think tanks to “examine” and “explore” the situation. . .
    I have missed you PN and your lovely humorous life’s tales—


    • Somebody far move creative than me created the pic. I am still at the stick man stage. So I am not guilty for the gun….. but I think it is fair given the recent news. Ps thanks for the nice comment


    • Hi Sarah, I am sure you are correct. I would love to know what others around the world think about their countries problem solving techniques. For example Australia. Problem. … light the barbie…. solution.


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