Spag Bog at Christmas

I am the only Englishman in our company, we have a lot of Italians, one Albanian and two savage cats. But only one Englishman.

Every year just before Christmas, everyone receives a large Panettone. This is very much like a cross between a soft bread and a fruit cake. And please don’t you Italians get your knickers in a twist over my description because I like them as much as the next Englishman Italian.


Throughout the year, we play quite a lot of practical jokes on each other. Nobody has yet beat my lesson on English swear words. But they do try.

This morning we all received our Panettone, and I had a little gift prepared for them; ten 200 gram tins of  Heinz Spaghetti Bolognese (Spag Bog)

Spag bog

As I reverently, handed them out. I was greeted with amusement, bemusement and the odd remark of  “ma que skifo”  Marco wanted to know if the pasta in the can was dry and did he have to add water, while  Lorenzo discretely tried to abandon his can on the desk.

I tried really hard to convince them that this is how we prefer our Spaghetti Bolognese in England.


Merry Christmas to you all.

Pecora Nera

30 thoughts on “Spag Bog at Christmas

  1. a song comes to mind…… “Mad Dogs and Englishmen” 😉 – the Heinz spag bog is certainly only for the dogs… and I think Italian dogs would turn their noses up to it….
    Buon Natale Pecora Nera! 🙂


    • Happy new year to you too. For my birthday, I invited a dozen Italian friends over to our house; and then fed them home made Chicken Tika Masala. Had I thought about it, I could have made a Heinz spag bog starter.


  2. Hey man, I just couldn’t forget to send you my best wishes for a fantastic New Year! Blessings and Happiness to you, your saint of a wife ( 😉 ) and I hope 2013 will be a great one for all of us! I hope all is well!


  3. Ha ha! My father played exactly the same joke on my husband once.
    Hubby got revenge by scouring the shops in England till he found “English fried breakfast in a can”. It included a fried egg, beans, a sausage, mushrooms, and a tomato. Dad looked at it and wept!
    BTW you cannot scare Italians with spam sandwiches. They have spam anyway, they just pretend it’s posh by adding pistachio nuts and calling it mortadella.


  4. Spaghetti in a tin – Gag! My daughter, when she was little, went through a period during which she would only eat the Canadian version of that – Spaghetti-Os. After that it was Kraft Dinner. Those were the darkest moments in my career as a single mother, lol.


    • Don’t knock spaghetti in a can 🙂 I loved it when I was young.

      When I lived in the UK , my Sicilian mother in law to be came over to help with the wedding preparations. We went off to the supermarket and as she was loading pasta, bread etc into the shopping trolly, I started to load canned spaghetti hoops, canned spag bog and ready made bolognese sauce in a jar. She had a tizzy fit and ordered their removal.


  5. Anything called spag bog should be illegal . 🙂 You’ve inspired to me torture my co-workers with a culinary nightmare. I’m American, so it should it easy.


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